burn fuel

美 [bɜːrn ˈfjuːəl]英 [bɜːn ˈfjuːəl]
  • 烧燃料
burn fuelburn fuel
  1. Unlike auto rickshaws , which burn fuel , cycle rickshaws produce no pollution .


  2. It is the rate at which you burn fuel .


  3. As motor vehicles burn fuel , they give off carbon monoxide as a waste .


  4. Their bodies were apparently getting mixed messages . A mouthful of fat is usually a signal that calories are coming , and the body reacts by getting ready to burn fuel .


  5. The situation of studying the technique to burn fuel in steps at home and abroad has been presented , and the application prospects of said technique in our country being analysed from view points of natural resources , technical economy , and environmental protection policy of the state .


  6. Jets burn less fuel the higher they go .


  7. The Analyses of Modification of Coal-fired Boiler to Burn Diesel Fuel


  8. One major contributor to desertification is people cutting down trees to burn as fuel .


  9. You can burn rocket fuel to get there , or you can do something really incredible .


  10. As their names suggest this type of engines Burn their fuel inside the working parts of the engines .


  11. He says riding a bicycle to work does not burn fossil fuel or create dangerous pollutants .


  12. He was adamant that a barrel of oil was too valuable to burn for fuel .


  13. Militants burn NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan .


  14. High-speed solid-injection Diesels of modern design , burn the fuel charge while the piston is practically stationary .


  15. We must burn less fuel , they argue , and make whatever burning we do cleaner . that 's the thinking behind the Kyoto accord .


  16. Since we have warmer nights now , everybody turns on their air conditioners at night which means power stations have to burn more fuel to support electricity supply .


  17. For instance , no matter what kind of engine they invent , a flying car will always burn more fuel than a regular car , especially on short trips .


  18. The paper pointed out that locomotive diesel engine can burn heavy fuel given that viscosity of the fuel be manegered properly and the fuel feed system be modified correspondingly .


  19. Asia must burn more fuel to generate economic growth than the West , primarily because it is more reliant on energy-intensive industries like heavy manufacturing than other parts of the world .


  20. At present most of CFB boilers burn the fuel of coal particle size from 0 to 8 mm , there lacks the experimental record for coal particle size less than 4 mm .


  21. By using two-stage fuel injection and variable induction technology to form a quasi-homogeneous lean mixture , the combustion process is improved with lean burn air fuel ratio limit extended and NOx emission lowered .


  22. The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel .


  23. The rocket will Burn out of fuel in three days .


  24. People in poor countries burn wood as fuel .


  25. Much of our electricity is produced by plants that burn coal as fuel .


  26. We must embrace pain and burn is as fuel for our journey !


  27. These provide concrete measures for realizing lean burn , improving fuel economy and reducing NOx emission .


  28. The plane landed after circling the airport for several hours to burn off excess fuel .


  29. Majority of cars are made to burn regular unleaded fuel with an octane rating of95 .


  30. Lean burn ; Twice electronic fuel injection ; Quasi-homogenous mixture ; 2-valve SI engine ;
